FutbolTech 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Soccer, English & Technology Education Throughout Latin America

Teaching kids entrepreneurship

Technology, Entrepreneurship and English


Teaching kids entrepreneurship skills is important for many reasons. Some of the benefits are:

  • It helps them develop a better work ethic by exposing them to the value of hard work and the rewards of creating something of their own.
  • It gives them a stronger appreciation for money by making them aware of how money is earned, spent, and invested.
  • It fosters creative problem-solving by challenging them to find innovative solutions for real-world problems.
    It encourages them to think critically by analyzing situations from multiple perspectives and weighing the pros and cons of different options.
  • It empowers them to be self-reliant and trust their abilities by giving them the opportunity to pursue their passions and interests.

Teaching kids entrepreneurship skills can also prepare them for the future, as they will learn to adapt to changing circumstances, collaborate with others, and communicate effectively. These skills are essential for any career path, whether they choose to be entrepreneurs or not.