FutbolTech 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Soccer, English & Technology Education Throughout Latin America

English Education

In our continuous pursuit to enhance the quality of life for children in vulnerable sectors of Latin America, we have embraced an innovative methodology that places education as the fundamental pillar to generate opportunities for personal growth. We believe that all children deserve equitable access to education, and thus, we have designed a unique program that combines a passion for sports, especially soccer, with the teaching of the English language. A standout example of our approach is the successful program implemented at Atlético Americano.

  1. The Link between Sports and Education:
    We understand that sports are not merely physical activities but also powerful tools for the holistic development of children. Soccer, being a shared passion in Latin America, becomes the perfect vehicle for imparting valuable knowledge. Our methodology is based on the premise that by combining English language instruction with sports training, we provide children not only with physical skills but also with cognitive and linguistic skills essential for their future.
  2. Innovative Teaching Methods:
    The didactic approach of our program adapts to the characteristics and needs of school-aged children. English lessons are creatively integrated during soccer training sessions, using games, songs, and interactive activities. This playful approach not only makes learning more engaging but also creates an environment conducive to the natural and enjoyable development of language skills.
  3. The Success Case: Atlético Americano:
    Atlético Americano has been a pioneer in adopting our methodology, and the results are evident. Boys and girls participating in this program not only improve their soccer skills but also experience notable progress in mastering the English language. This unique combination provides them with a competitive advantage in an increasingly globalized world, where fluency in a second language has become an invaluable skill.
  4. Long-Term Impact:
    Our vision extends beyond the present; we aspire to build a future where children in vulnerable sectors have access to opportunities that transcend socio-economic limitations. By providing them with a comprehensive education that encompasses both sports and the English language, we are sowing the seeds for solid and sustainable personal growth. We are confident that these children will become individuals capable of overcoming challenges and making positive contributions to their communities.

In summary, our unique methodology that merges sports with education aims to transform lives and provide hope for children in vulnerable sectors of Latin America. The program at Atlético Americano is just the beginning of a journey that aims to be replicated throughout the region, creating a lasting impact on the lives of the youngest. By investing in their education, we are building strong foundations for a future full of opportunities and success.