FutbolTech 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization
Soccer, English & Technology Education Throughout Latin America

Malabareando las Calles Foundation

Company Description: The Malabareando las Calles Foundation aims to promote, formulate, and implement plans, programs, and projects focused on the participation, leadership, and personal and social development of various communities. The foundation is dedicated to creating inclusive spaces for populations facing homelessness, high vulnerability, disabilities, elderly individuals, ethnic groups, victims of armed conflict, women, LGBTQIA+ community, migrants, returnees, and the community at large. The foundation places a strong emphasis on empowering these groups to be active participants in their own development, capable of proposing and taking action for the effective enjoyment of their rights in social, cultural, community, and participatory well-being.

Core Offerings: Malabareando las Calles Foundation provides a range of valuable services, including:

  1. Empowerment of the Individual:
    • Formulation and implementation of strategies related to inclusion, peace, and democracy.
    • Projects addressing the needs of individuals with cognitive special needs and/or exceptional talents.
    • Qualification processes for educators.
    • Promotion campaigns for the guarantee and prevention of rights violations.
  2. Comprehensive Support Services:
    • Holistic support, guidance, and diagnostics for the general population.
    • Strengthening, guidance, and sensitization regarding the promotion of human rights.
    • Support for human rights network development.
    • Forums, workshops, and processes for the prevention of unwanted pregnancies.
  3. Support for Vulnerable Groups:
    • Human rights education.
    • Collective actions for the promotion and defense of human rights.
    • Consultancy, support, and administration in the operation of shelters and assistance centers for conflict victims, women, homeless individuals, persons with disabilities, ethnic groups, and the elderly.
  4. Gender Equity and Sexual Diversity:
    • Guidance and sensitization on gender equity and respect for sexual diversity.
  5. Community Development and Participation:
    • Strengthening through social and community leadership development.
    • Support for social organizations.
    • Guidance on communication strategies to promote social participation and community development.
  6. Attention to Vulnerable Populations:
    • Prevention of vulnerabilities and promotion of rights.
    • Participation qualification of the target population for decision-making in socialization scenarios.
    • Programs addressing populations facing rights violations.
  7. Post-Conflict, Transition, and Peacebuilding:
    • Accompaniment and training for public and private entities, civil society organizations, in peace culture and post-conflict.
    • Socio-cultural interventions in peacebuilding.
    • Consultancy in the design and implementation of peace and coexistence curricula.
    • Implementation of strategies for reconciliation and peaceful coexistence.
  8. Culture and Tourism:
    • Strengthening cultural organizations.
    • Training in civic culture.
    • Formulation and implementation of tourism projects at the municipal, departmental, regional, and national levels.

Mission and Achievements: For the past five years, the Malabareando las Calles Foundation, led by the visionary pedagogue Jimmy Alexander Abello, has rescued over 300 children and young people from the streets of Pereira. The foundation’s primary goal is to help these individuals redefine their life paths and discover their artistic talents.

Founder’s Vision: Jimmy Abello, a re-educational pedagogue and a recognized social leader, founded the organization at the age of 43. Having experienced homelessness at a young age, he understands the need for functional programs that offer young people on the streets meaningful activities. Jimmy is not just a founder; he is a father figure for the youth, personally reaching out to children and young people in the early hours, seeking to restore their rights.

Programs and Impact: The foundation focuses on integral care, providing workshops in music, theater, dance, crafts, sewing, and yoga. It also offers psychological motivation and educational tools for completing primary and secondary studies or accessing higher education. The foundation has significantly impacted the lives of over 80 girls aged 13 to 15, previously subjected to sexual exploitation.

Resocialization Through Love and Consistency: Jimmy emphasizes that the success of their programs lies not only in the quantity of lectures but in the number of hugs. Many participants, now graduates of the program, are pursuing technical careers or working with companies, showcasing the transformative power of love and consistency.

Sustainable Initiatives: In addition to the foundation and the “Casa de los Sueños” (House of Dreams), Jimmy also leads the ‘Mucha Calle’ project, a clothing brand that raises funds for various foundation activities. The brand symbolizes a commitment to the cause, with people across Pereira and other cities ‘wearing the shirt’ as a symbolic gesture of support.

Future Goals: Malabareando las Calles Foundation aims to continue formulating integral care programs, promoting mental health and substance abuse prevention, empowering vulnerable populations, and contributing to peacebuilding efforts. The organization envisions expanding its impact, fostering partnerships, and becoming a model for similar initiatives nationwide.